I know how to manipulate God.

I know just what to say and what not to say. I know how to be the ‘perfect’ Christian.

Darren Andrew Fielding
3 min readMar 1, 2022


Playing the hurt superhero. Image by D. Fielding

I’ve been a follower of Jesus for a good many years, I like to think I’m in His inner circle. (that’s a joke.) Although the joke kind of leads me head on to the point of this story; I think I know what God wants to hear. I think I know enough about God to know how He thinks and how He wants to treated within our relationship.

I think a lot of what I’ve come to learn as a Christian from many other Christians is how to be really really good at saying what everyone wants to hear. We have become the ultimate salesperson, and we have collectively very nearly perfected our sales pitch to our fellow humans but more so to God.

My prayers go something like this :

“Lord, I am undeserving of Your grace, I am unworthy of Your kindness and healing. Yet I ask of you to heal my wife. You are a kind Saviour and You are THE healer. I ask not because I am worthy but because You are healer.

I know that I fail You every day, I know that I am a sinner and I run to my sin constantly like a dog to its vomit. Please forgive me and fill my heart with Your character.”

Now, all of what I say in my prayers are to an extent true and reflections of my…



Darren Andrew Fielding

Believer. Husband. Creative. Photographer. Musician. Poet. Hoper. Writer. Encourager. South African. Human. Crypto Enthusiast.