I’m a christian.

Darren Andrew Fielding
4 min readFeb 8, 2022

Not in the ways that the society has come to learn, (well hopefully not. I’m doing my best to not be.) Not in the bigoted, self-involved, judgemental, lord it over you (see what I did there.) kind of way.

Felix Culpa (a fortunate fall) Artwork by Author.

The above artwork is inspired by the song of the same name by Kings Kaleidoscope. A Melodies of Grace post will be following within the next few fridays. Stay tuned for that.

I am a christian in that I believe Jesus is God, I believe that He is the saviour of my soul and provider for my life.

My heart aches when I look across humanity and see all the hurt that people have inflicted under the banner of ‘christian’. It pains me deeply to have christian brothers and sisters that almost seem to take pride in judging others and throwing others to the wayside. I am filled with tears for all of humanity when I think about the version of Christ they have been presented by some flawed, failing human.

In the beginning of my relationship with Christ it wasn’t much of relationship with Him but more a relationship through my friends. I had a vicarious relationship, and I was the christian that angers me and torments my thoughts now. I did not truly care for most people expect myself and I judged classmates and friends and people because that seemed like the only way I could make myself feel and seem better at life than others. You see, I believed…



Darren Andrew Fielding

Believer. Husband. Creative. Photographer. Musician. Poet. Hoper. Writer. Encourager. South African. Human. Crypto Enthusiast.