Member-only story
An aside, or maybe a rant. I guess…
We progress further from ourselves.
The story of humanity and how I think we’ve actually gone further than we ought.
We discard our history and destroy our future, all for the present moment of selfish gratification.
We, like rats trained to beeps and mazes, work our way through our business buildings and tech stores fixated on their product release dates.
Our lives are synced via cables and firmware updates.
I’m constantly entranced by how much, we as humans, destroy everything that is around us for the sake of ‘progress’. Maybe our constant moving forward is more like moving away, Moving away from who we are, who we should be, more importantly, who we could be.
We move on almost instantaneously to the next OLED 45 million pixel screen, we fall over ourselves for the latest phone and computer.
The largest ever display is displayed on our living room walls, and if you look closely enough in the reflection on the screen, you’ll see people buried in their phone screens, like islands in an archipelago that are unawares of the short distance between them to another island.